Weary one, I see you, exhausted by all that life demands of us. If you’re anything like me, you’re longing for more joy, more calm, more… magic. Know you are welcome here, exactly as you are.

This little corner of the internet is all about exploring the ways in which we can tend to ourselves, nurture our tired souls, and bring more wonder back into our lives.

Welcome to accidentally, on purpose. Pull up a chair. Grab a hot cup of tea. Stay awhile.

Here’s what you can expect from this space…

I love nothing more than sharing honest stories from my own life and experiences that I hope help you feel less alone as we navigate this whole adulting thing together.

I am here to practice radical transparency in a way that I hope serves you, my dear reader. I’m willing to ask the tough questions, challenge myself (and sometimes you), and grapple with this all together.

In this space, I’ll be writing about rest, tending to our needs, unhooking from hustle culture and toxic productivity, community care, and how we can all keep on keeping on when the world is a dumpster fire. I’ll pepper some bits about my journey entering into motherhood (but don’t worry, this won’t become a mommy-blog), and I’ll balance that out with mental health tools and tips from my therapy practice. I’ll share practices for intentional living, and also for holding yourself through moments of surrender.

Speaking of intention and surrender…

Why accidentally, on purpose?

Because life is a dance between surrender and intention.

There is much we cannot control in this life. Grief. Love. Loss. Joy. Awe. The wily desires of our creativity. The look of adoration in a lover’s eyes. The vulnerability of speaking our truth. The creation of new life. The falling away of all we thought we wanted. The depths of sadness, and the heights of joy. So many experiences that make up the human condition require surrender.

And then, balancing the scales, an equal and opposite weight to surrender, is intention.

In all the moments we can choose, and even some in which we believe we cannot, we must lean into intention. We must actively choose the life we want to live, or the way we want to respond to the world around us.

And so I have decided to approach this life dancing with both - surrender and then intention, intention and then surrender. When I resist, or fail to tend to either, I find myself in the arduous battle of swimming against the current. But when I can dance with both, the waters still enough for me to see, and embrace, the destination.

So the name, accidentally, on purpose, is a blending of these two elements. Surrender. And then intention. Accidentally, on purpose.

Before I forget, here’s little bit about me…

Hi, lovely! I’m Kelsey, a therapist, writer, space holder, community tender, creative business coach, and soon-to-be mama. I live on the unceded and traditional lands of the SENĆOŦEN & Hul’q’umi’num’ speaking peoples on so-called Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, Canada.

I hold space for weary souls who need to remember how to tend to themselves. And I support creative humans, business owners and community leaders to step outside the rigid structures of capitalism and hustle culture, to create, work and live in a way that is more easeful and intentional.

Here are all the other places you can find me and my work on the internet:

  • Check out my website for ways we can work together,

  • Find me on Instagram (although I’m showing up there less and less often these days)

  • Check out my work re-wilding business and re-humanizing marketing at Wilder Ones Studio

  • Or join my space for creative and magically curious folks over at Coven of Creativity.

If you enjoy my work, you might consider updating to a paid subscription…

Here’s what you get as a paid subscriber:

  • 4 essays each month (released most Mondays)

  • One big month-in-review post (released on or around the last day of the month) including: 

    • A review of my month — what’s been working, what hasn’t been working, and what I want to shift for the month ahead;

    • Journal prompts to help guide you through your own reflections;

    • A round-up of everything that’s been supporting me this month including a list of curated links; 

    • Any other resources or fun, value-aligned things I’ve stumbled upon that I want to share with you;

    • Access to the Biz Corner: for those of you who are interested in the business and money side of things and the nitty gritty and real numbers and processes behind all that.

  • Additional future offerings - coming soon! 

Just want to remain a free subscriber? That’s totally fine! I’m still just so grateful you are here. And you’ll still receive two essays each month (every two weeks).

If you’re new to Substack, I strongly encourage you to spend some time here. It’s my favourite place on the internet these days. It feels like Instagram used to. So I hope you join me here.

Come say hi on one of my posts! I can’t wait to meet you.

Subscribe to Accidentally, On Purpose

Honest stories about embracing the dance between surrender & intention, and exploring what it means to craft a well-lived life.


clinical counsellor, solopreneur, writer, creative, space holder and community tender